MBRs are ideal for the treatment of wastewater streams with high concentrations of organics, solids, fat, oil, and grease. The membranes retain the biomass and mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) within the bioreactor, thus producing effluent that is free of particles, bacteria and viruses. MBRs remove between 96-99% of COD, compared to 95% in conventional activated sludge processes. MBRs can be operated at higher MLSS concentrations of up to 30 g/L with TSS < 1 mg and turbidity <0.2 NTU*. In addition, typical submerge systems can not operate at more than 10 – 12 g/L therefore tubular UF membranes solve this limitation. However, traditional submerged MBRs are highly susceptible to fouling, resulting in extensive maintenance requirements and lower flux rates. Our external MBRs that are positioned outside the bioreactor and utilize crossflow velocity to keep the membranes working at optimal conditions.
- Less membrane fouling
- Extended membrane life
- High solid wastewater
- Lower energy consumption
- Stable performance
- Ease-of-maintenance
- No odor